Nález „nového“ profilu v zaniklé cihelně Židenice II – Růženin dvůr



The brickyard Židenice II – “Růženin dvůr” was in 80th of the 20th Century described as one of the best preserved terrestrial records of Pleistocene climatic cycles. When the brickyard was abandoned the important sections disappeared. During the 2010 season a new observations were done within the SW part of the abandoned brickyard and buried horizons of fossil paleosoils were discovered. Within 3 meters high section four horizons were distinguished. Two of them marked as 1 and 4 were described as loess containing a mollusc debris. The horizons marked as 2 and 3 were described as redeposited paleosoils and interpreted as PK VII and PK VIII.

Klíčová slova:
Quaternary; Pleistocene; loess; paleosoils; sedimentology; grain size; magnetic susceptibility; mollusk

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