Puklinová stavba spraší na vybraných lokalitách jižní Moravy



This article represents a view of joint patterns from loess in the South Moravia. The aim of this study was to determine whether the loess in southern Moravia is tectonically affected. This study covers an area between Brno and Znojmo. In this territory, joint orientation patterns in loess were obtained and subsequently plotted to azimuthal projection. Based on the orientation data we can conclude that joints in loess originated as a result of volume change and/or as a result of soil creep. Tectonic influence was excluded.

Klíčová slova:
joint; loess; Quaternary; southern Moravia

Hancock, P. L. (1997): Neotectonic loess fractures in Omaha region. – Dostupné na: http://maps.unomaha.edu/Maher/loess/.
Maňák, L. (2010a): Rešerše k bakalářské práci Tektonické postižení spraší na vybraném území spraší jižní Moravy. – MS, rešerše k bakalářské práci, MU Brno.
Maňák, L. (2010b): Puklinová stavba spraší na vybraných lokalitách jižní Moravy. – MS, bakalářská práce, MU Brno.





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