Distribuce hypocenter zemětřesení v epicentrální oblasti Nový Kostel


The epicentral area Nový Kostel is the most seismically active area in the region of western Bohemia/Vogtland and it is characteristic by earthquake swarms. Marginal faults of the Cheb basin are located very close to that epicentral area and are considered as a NNW continuation of the Mariánské Lázně fault. But the geometry of the focal zone is not identical with the geometry of these marginal faults. Study of distribution of earthquake hypocentres is therefore important for the interpretation of the geodynamics in this area. The seismic data used for this study came from the catalog, which was created from the network KRASNET data. This catalog includes more than 5 000 localized hypocenters from the epicentral area Nový Kostel from years 1991–2008. The seismoactive structure is located 5–12,5 km deep. The results show that the seismo-active structure has direction of inclination of 262° and inclination of 80°. The shallowest part of the focal zone has a slightly lower slope and the depth of the structure increasing to the South. Hypocenters of the earthquakes are not evenly distributed and occur in spatial clusters. These clusters can be divided into groups according to their geometrical parameters and the mutual spatial arrangement.

Klíčová slova:
earthquake; distribution of hypocentres; Nový Kostel; active structure

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