
Mur-Mürz-Leitha fault system represents the most important seismically active zone in the Eastern Alps. Its part of the geological units of the Eastern Alps. Pushing the influence of alpine units to the north during the Cretaceous there was a lateral extrusion, resulting in the formation of shear fractures (eg .: system MML). Based on data provided from the project ACORN, IPE and ZAMG. frequency-magnitude graph and temporal distribution chart since 1980 were compiled. Frequency-magnitude distribution show that borded of completeness of the data since 1980, have a value of magnitude 2 and higher. Therefore, the temporal distribution chart was created just since 1980, and magnitude of 2 and more. Above all the chart takes a set of occurrences of 2000, which number 37 events with a magnitude of 2 and 2 events with magnitude over 4. These occurrences come under the area 4. Then was made another temporal distribution chart since 1980, but this one is only for area 4. In area 4 Ebreichsdorf town is situated that is near the seismic swarm from the years of 2000 and 2013. The seismic swarm from 2013 is the similar like seismic swarm in 2000 just in a slightly smaller. These seismic occurrences of Ebreichsdorf are important, because they were macroseismic felt in the southern regions of the Czech Republic, including Brno.

Klíčová slova:
Eastern Alps; Mur-Mürz-Leitha system; epicentral area Ebreichsdorf; recent tectonic activity; seismicity; earthquakes; earthquake distribution

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