Kyselé metavulkanity z okolí Táborských skal ve zlatohorském rudním revíru



Acidic metavolcanites from vicinity of Táborské skály in Zlaté Hory Ore District (Silesia,
Czech Republic) were identified as metamorhosed equivalents of rhyolites or alkali-rhyolites,
based on their modal composition and also on major and trace element analyses. Major
elements composition of so-called „problematic“ siliceous rocks, accompanying acidic
metavolcanites resembles more closely chemistry of sedimentary rocks, but their trace element
pattern is virtually identical with investigated metarhyolites; they probably represent
strongly altered volcanogenic (probably pyroclastic) rocks. Trace element distribution in
acidic metavolcanites is comparable with A-type granites. Based on A-type affinity of studied
rocks and position of their analyses in geotectonic discrimination plots after Pearce et al.
(1984), confinement of volcanism to divergent geotectonic environment is the most probable.

Klíčová slova:
metarhyolite; siliceous rocks; Zlaté Hory Ore District; geochemistry; trace elements

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