Corkit z ložiska Zlaté Hory-Východ



Corkite, a Pb-Fe dominant member of the alunite supergroup, was found in the oxidation zone of the stratiform base metal deposit Zlaté Hory-Východ (Silesia, Czech Republic). It forms yellow-green coatings composed of microscopic botryoidal and globular aggregates in association with anglesite, cerusite, roentgenamorphic Mn-Pb oxides and plumbojarosite (which forms the cores of corkite aggregates but also occurs separatelly as cinnamon-brown coatings composed of microscopic rhomboedric crystals) in the cavities of quartz-limonite material. These aggregates are in polished section strongly zonal with a core made up of plumbojarosite with approx. 14 mol. % of (PO4)3- anion at structural position T and the peripheral parts made up of corkite. The chemical composition of corkite, determined by WDX microanalyses, is in relativelly good agreement with its theoretical formula, the anion sites are equally occupied by (SO4)2- and (PO4)3- groups or (SO4)2- slightly predominates. The arsenate anion is present only in trace amounts (below 0,01 apfu) which corresponds to the practical absence of As minerals in the primary ores of Zlaté Hory ore district. Problematic is the presence of silicium in all analyses which could be attributed either to anisomineral admixture or to the presence of (SiO4)4- at the anionic site of corkite structure. Analyses recalculated on the basis of two anion groups show excess of cations at both cation sites which could be due to the presence of unanalysed components at the anion site (probably (CO3)2- group. Structural position D is occupied virtually only by Pb with only subordinate amount of K. Substitution of Fe by Al at G site is very limited, Al together with Cu and Zn content is only minor. X-ray powder diffraction patterns (major lines 3.060 Å (100); 5.918 Å (75); 2.250 Å (47); 2.528 Å (34)) and calculated unit cell parameters of studied corkite are in good agreement with published data (Giuseppetti and Tadini 1987; Sato et al. 2009).

Klíčová slova:
corkit; alunitová superskupina; prášková difrakční data; chemické složení; Zlaté Hory; Slezsko; Česká republika

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