Vyhodnocení fluviálních sedimentů a paleoekologická rekonstrukce prostoru ulice Křenová v Brně



Fluvial archives are a rich source of information about the environmental impact of the local industry in the past. This research is focused on Holocene fluvial sediments that were excavated in the area of Křenová Street in Brno, Czech Republic. The area was researched during the rescue archaeological excavations, which unearthed the defunct Svitava river channel and its banks together with wooden constructions and archaeological artifacts from the 13th to the 16th century. Three profiles were documented and lithostratigraphically described. Samples for the palaeoecological and chemical analyses and granulometry were taken from the excavated trench S11. The finding of the rivers´ point bar and the shape of the riverbed allowed us to determine that the river was meandering. Analysed pollen profile of the medieval riverbed shows species-rich vegetation in close proximity of the medieval town and progressing urbanization. Results from chemical analyses shows that the area was not significantly polluted. The source of most of the probable contamination were surrounding sumps, as is indicated by slightly elevated concentrations of phosphorus in the sediments.

Klíčová slova:
Czech Republic; Brno-Křenová; fluvial sediments; environmental geology; paleoecology

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