Půdní vývoj v nivě řeky Dyje v předpolí hradby hradiska Pohansko u Břeclavi
This work provides comprehensive information on soil development on the floodplain of the river Thaya in the area of the foreland of the Early Mediaeval agglomeration of Pohansko near Břeclav. We evaluated the basic properties of late Holocene soils and their genesis, assessed the influence of humans and identified particular soil-forming processes based on a combination of selected physical (grain-size distribution, magnetic susceptibility), chemical (Fe, Mn, P, Ca, soil pH) and biochemical analyses (total organic carbon and soil organic matter) as well as micromorphological observations. Our research revealed three autochthonous soils: two buried soils and one recent soil. All the soils were identified as Gleyic Fluvisols developed from overbank deposits and affected by intensive oxidation-reduction processes. The A horizons of the soils evolved by the formation and accumulation of humus. The upper buried Fluvisol certainly evolved during the 9th and 10th centuries (presence of Great Moravian sherds). However, its pedogenesis possibly started much earlier and ended later. Despite the presence of macroscopic evidence of human activities in this soil, there is no evidence of any anthropic influence on soil formation processes. The basal buried Fluvisol developed even before the Great Moravian settlement. Nevertheless, due to a lack of dating, the exact age of this soil cannot be determined at this stage of our study. Future research focused on dating will advance our understanding of the Holocene dynamic and development of the palaeoenvironment.
Holocene dynamics; floodplain; palaeosols; fluvial sediments; soil formation processes
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