

The portable X-ray-fluorescence analyzer (Innov-X Systems, Inc.) is routinely used as screening tool in geochemical and environmental mapping. The applicability in organomineral matrices was not tested yet. The biogas is produced from maize silage, grass silage, beef and pig manure and slurry, sewage sludge, organic wastes from food industries, organic household waste. As the main result the digestate (anaerobic digestion residues) is manufactured. The digestate is used as fertilizer and/or fuel. In the presented study the three reference materials and three samples of the digestate were analyzed 50 times each. RFA analytical conditions for reference material and samples: Innov-X Systems, Inc., Delta, time measurement: 1. beam: energy 1–40 kV, time 140 s.; 2. Beam: energy 2–10 kV, time 140 s., analytical mode: geochem2. Statistical evaluation of the data set allowed comparison among accuracy and reproducibility for organomineral matrices. The results are in good correlation with data from standard elemental analyses. The presented results has proved very good or satisfactory reproducibility for fourteen elements (Al, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sr, Zr, Mo, Ag, Pb, Th ). The results for three elements (Al, S, Fe) in digestates have high reproducibility, for the Ag, Mn, Mo, Sr, Zr, Th have good reproducibility. The portable XRF is suitable for the mineral fraction characterization in the agricultural materials such as composts, digestates and silages.

Klíčová slova:
X-Ray fluorescence; portable XRF; soil; organomineral matrix

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