

Slag-like artifacts occurring in a Late Medieval-to-Early Modern horizon have been found during groundworks in Dražůvky. Two types of slags were recognized. The matrix of the Type 1 slag is composed of fayalite, wüstite, and minor glass (often devitrified) and exhibits an inhomogeneous texture, being composed of domains with strongly varying phase composition. In addition, Type 1 slags occasionally contain remnants of quartz, charcoal, and inclusions of Type 2 slags. Type 2 slag are glassy, composed dominantly of glass (sometimes partly devitrified) and remnants of quartz, rarely grains of zircon, opaque phases, and inclusions of Type 1 slags are observed. Type 1 slags are interpreted to be smithing iron slags. The Type 2 slags can represent partly smelted lining of a furnace/hearth. With respect to the high amount of Ca in the glass (16 wt. % CaO) we suggest that the lining was dominated by lime-based mortar. The presence of inclusions of Type 1 slags in Type 2 slags and vice-versa point to the coeval production of both types of slags in the same technological device.

Klíčová slova:
smithing slags; non-metalurgical slags; archaeology; phase composition
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