

A detailed field facies and ichnofacies analysis undertaken in the eastern part of the Nízký Jesník Mts. revealed that the basal part of Hradec-Kyjovice Formation of Upper Viséan age corresponded to coarse-grained siliciclastic turbidite system. Research was focused on detailed measurement of fifteen outcrops in the area. The formation was deposited in deep water environmental of the foreland basin by sediment gravity flows. Five facies were identified in the Hradec Member of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation: conglomerate facies, pebble to coarse grained sandstone facies, coarse grained sandstone facies, sandstone-siltstone facies and the muddy siltstone facies. The conglomerate facies, pebble to coarse grained sandstone facies and coarse grained sandstone facies represent proximal, coarse grained channel deposits of high-density turbidite currents. The sandstone-siltstone sediments consist of a variety of turbidites deposites in lobes and interchannel environments. The muddy siltstone facies were deposited in interchannel environments by lowdensity turbidite currents. Some depositional lobes contain trace fossils of the Nereites ichnofacies. Sedimentary record of the basal parts of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation indicates a Late Viséan a change in the development of Culm basin in Upper Viséan and beginning of new sedimentary cycle of sedimentation governed presumably by a compressional tectonic pulse.

Klíčová slova:
Moravosilesicum; Nízký Jeseník Mts.; Hradec-Kyjovice Formation; lithofacies analysis; ichnofacies; foreland basin; Upper Viséan

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