

On January 6, 2012, a moderate earthquake was observed in a region SE of Poznań (local magnitude ML = 3.6 according to Institute of Physics of the Earth, IPE). In this region, there haven‘t been known any historical earthquakes so far, and no natural seismic activity has been observed up to present. Similar rare occurrences of weak and moderate earthquakes were observed in a region near Kaliningrad in 2004 (sequence of events, local magnitude of strongest event being 5.0) and in south Moravia region near Znojmo in 2000 (local magnitude ML = 2.5). These facts show that even in seismically quiet regions occurence of weak to moderate seismic events (with value of magnitude ranging from 3 to 5) could be expected.

Klíčová slova:
earthquake; macroseismic activity; Poland; Dolsk Fault

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