

Ultramafic rock was found in the Varied Group of Moldanubicum near Loukovice (western Moravia). It is composed predominantly by chlorite and amphibole, locally rich in ferroan spinel and serpentinised magnesian olivine (Fo = 73–81 mol. %). Their current mineral assemblage originally corresponded to pyroxenic peridotite (olivine and/or pyroxene-rich rock) metamorphosed under upper amphibolite facies conditions. Older mineral assemblage Ol + Cpx + Opx + Sp indicates the temperature 786–804 °C for pressures near 8 kbar. Amphibole (magnesiohornblende) and chlorite (clinochlore) formed during the metamorphosis at temperatures of 714 ± 34 °C and expected pressures around 8 kbar or less.

Klíčová slova:
spinel; olivine; chlorite hornblendite; P-T conditions; Varied Group; Moldanubicum

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