

The SW part of the Brno Batholith as well as NE part of the Thaya batholith have undergone recent mapping focused on layered granite dykes belong to the Hlína A-type granite suite. Dykes cropping out throughout the both other granitic suites in the region (Réna I-type and Tetčice S-type) widespread more than 60 km in N–S direction. Structures of the Hlína granites are easily distinguishable by their layering parallel to the contact, alternating of major aplite-like zones and minor pegmatite-like zones with oriented UST comb-like Qtz, Pland Kfs. The lamination of the rock is pronounced by parallel stripe-like arrangement of the garnet. The purpose of text below is highlighted the volumetrically scarce but genetically very important part of the Brunovistulian unit.

Klíčová slova:
Brunovistulicum; Brno Batholith; Thaya Batholith; layering; layered granite

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