

Four boreholes situated in the southern part of the Šternberk-Horní Benešov Belt, in the vicinity of the village of Hlásnice, were drilled between 1983 and 1987. Th e deepest of them reached it´s final depth of 381 m. The purpose of the drilling was geological research on base metal mineralization. Sequence of rocks penetrated by the boreholes is represented by metabasalts (spilites) and their tuffs, dolerites and sedimentary interbeds of Middle Devonian age. Different types of rock alterations, namely K-metasomatism, biotitization, chloritization, dolomitization to a lesser extend tourmalinization and ore minerals formation are widespread. Turmaline concentrations have been observed only in Hlásnice 2 and 3 boreholes. The tourmaline occurs as subhedral or anhedral grains disseminated throughout the rock or it is concentrated in particular laminae. Some tourmaline grains are present within sulfide crystals. Microprobe analysis showed that, with only one exception, tourmalines from the Hlásnice 2 borehole correspond to dravite. On the other hand the tourmalines from the Hlásnice 3 borehole have schorl composition. Anyway, all analyses fall very close to the schorl-dravite join. Compositional zoning of tourmalines is not prominent but studied tourmaline samples showed a significant Na-enrichment at the X-site which is unique compared to tourmalines associated with hydrothermal ore deposits.

Klíčová slova:
Silesieum Šternberk-Horní Benešov belt; Devonian; metabasalt (spilite); tourmaline; K-metasomatism

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