

In the area of the Šlapanice school buildings a large frontal landslide in Lower Badenian clay covered by loesses and anthropogenic sediments was documented. Length of the landslide is ca 200 m, width at the base up to 720 m, thickness of the body of the landslide based on geophysical research reaches to 10 m. The landslide is a complex body consisting of older and active parts. The school buildings were founded in old landslide originally. Georadar (two profiles) and geoelektric (one profile) measurements were used for geotechnical evaluation of the landslide. Multi electrode cable tomography (ERT) and dipole electromagnetic conductivity survey (DEMP) were used from geoelectric method. Closely the northern part of the building was measured and interpreted geological-geophysical profile PF0 which was constructed based on georadar measurement and hydrogeological borehole VS-1, the sharp boundary between sediments of the Lower Carboniferous and the Lower Badenian of the Carpathian Foredeep was found. There were intepreted two fault systems of SW–NE direction taking place parallel to the margin of the basin. In the profile PF1 the structure of the landslide in detail was documented. Due to geophysical measurements and study of the borehole database a new fault system within the school buildings area was intepreted.

Klíčová slova:
pathian Foredeep; tectonic; geophysics; georadar; geoelectricity; remediation

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