

Soil CO2 is important part of the global carbon cycle. In karst, it controls fundamental processes as limestone dissolution and calcite speleothem growth. Dynamics and mechanisms of soil CO2 production are still little known. This study contributes to their better understanding. On the selected sites of Moravian Karst with different vegetation cover, the CO2 stratification in the free air of soil drill-hole was studied during both non-vegetation and early vegetation periods. At all sites, CO2 concentrations were found to increase with depth of air column. In spring, the agricultural soils (field) and the soil under grassy vegetation (sinkhole) showed the enormous gradients in CO2 concentrations, up to 1000 ppmv per one dm of length, towards the depth. A conceptual model was proposed to discuss in detail the gradient evolution.

Klíčová slova:
CO2 concentration; Moravian Karst; soil air; stratification

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