Mineralogická charakteristika sekundárních změn miocenních vulkanoklastických hornin z jižní a střední Moravy (Česká republika)



Bentonite is a significant industrial raw material which deposits deserve protection. The initiative for elaborating this study was the decision from November 2019 of the current owner (the town of Ivančice) to remediate the entire area of the deposit Ivančice-Réna. Lower Miocene volcaniclastic rocks from the Ivančice-Réna (Ivančice) and Middle Miocene sediments in surrounding area of Lipník nad Bečvou are relatively rich in clay minerals (smectites). The mineralogical characteristics of the volcaniclastic rocks were examined using several methods: polarized-light microscopy, X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD), electron microprobe (SEM–WDX), and whole-rocks chemical analysis (ICP-MS). Acid ash-fall tuff and/or very fine-grained tuffite form layers with variable thickness (several cm to m). Grains larger than clay fraction are formed by K-feldspars, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite and quartz crystals accompanied by fragments of pumice and glass shards. The whole-rocks chemical composition of the investigated volcaniclastic rocks indicates similar magmatic sources for both examined samples (Y = 28 and 29 ppm, Yb = 2.8 and 3.2 ppm, Nb = 12 and 14 ppm, Ta = 1.1 and 1.2 ppm, Zr/Ti = 0.16 and 0.17 and Nb/Y = 0.4 and 0.5). The formation of smectite from alteration of rhyolite volcanic glass is accompanied by an increased loss on ignition (LOI: 9.4 and 20.2 wt. %) together with a decrease in K2O (0.7 and 2.1 wt. %) and Na2O (0.6 and 2.1 wt. %). The absence of a negative Ce anomaly suggests that secondary alterations took place under suboxic or anoxic conditions. Smectite and minor opal partially replace volcanic glass and pumice shards. Plagioclase (Ab59–60) and K-feldspar (Or62–78 Ab21–33 An0–1) crystals are relatively fresh (weak sericitic alteration). Biotite is partly to wholly oxidized and chloritized (4.9–6.2 wt. % K2O). Iron oxyhydroxides are present only as minor components. Variation of intensity of secondary alteration (bentonitization) within the studied volcanoclastic layer from the Ivančice-Réna suggests sedimentation in lacustrine environment. In contrast to the case of the sample from Lipník nad Bečvou, the smectite was formed authigenetically from volcanic glass in interaction with seawater or during an early diagenetic process.

Klíčová slova:
Carpathian Foredeep; Lower and Middle Miocene; volcaniclastic rocks; bentonite deposit; secondary alteration; smectite

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