

About two meters thick section of the Famennian Křtiny Limestones (Líšeň Formation) was studied in a small pit-quarry near the road leading from Brno-Líšeň to Ochoz u Brna. Conodont samples were taken from seven diff erent stratigraphical levels. A richly fossiliferous interval (about 40 cm thick) can be distinguished in the higher part of the section. This interval is characterized by abundant occurence of clymenids, bivalves, orthocone nautiloids, trilobites and other groups. Black limestone lenses (maximal thickness about 10 cm) are developed in the lowermost part of the richly fossiliferous interval. A presence of Palmatolepis glabra lepta (late morphotype), Palmatolepis minuta minuta and Palmatolepis rugosa trachytera suggests these black limestones probably represent the Lower Annulata event (Upper Palmatolepis rugosa trachytera zone). Polygnathus styriacus indicating the base of the Palmatolepis perlobata postera zone enters within about 10 centimeters thick interval of dark grey biodetritic limestones which occur closely above the black limestone lenses. The Upper Annulata event and equivalents of „Wagnerbank“ or „Annulata limestone“ were not distinguished in the studied section. This might be caused by condensed sedimentation. Grey limestones and marly limestones belonging to the higher part of the richly fossiliferous interval are placed above the base of the Palmatolepis perlobata postera zone. The studied locality might correspond to the original fossil site described by Rzehak in 1910.

Klíčová slova:
Moravian Karst; Famennian; Annulata event; Líšeň Formation; conodont biostratigraphy

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