

During a biostrati biostratigraphic survey of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Moravian Karst (Moravo-Silesian Zone, Czech Republic) an abundant microfauna was obtained. Besides the conodonts, diverse ichthyoliths, eleutherozoid and pelmatozoid echinoderms, bryozoans, inarticulate brachiopods and rare foraminifers were found in insoluble residues. This contribution is focused on the eleutherozoid echinoderms remains from interval of the late Famennian Middle Palmatolepis gracilis expansa conodont Zone to the early Tournaisian Siphonodella duplicata conodont Zone from the Lesní lom, Mokrá and Křtiny quarries (NE of Brno). The eleutherozoid echinoderms are generally less frequent than conodonts and ichthyoliths, however in two levels from the Lesní lom and Mokrá quarries (Famennian Protognathodus kockeli and Tournaisian Siphonodella bransoni Zones) are relatively common. The classes Ophiuroidea and Holothuroidea are reported for the first time from the Moravian Karst. Ophiuroids of the order Oegophiurida MATSUMOTO 1915 (genus Furcaster STÜRTZ, 1900), Phrynophiurida MATSUMOTO 1915 (genus ?Eospondylus GREGORY, 1897) and Stenurida SPENCER, 1951 were determinated. Presented are mainly arm vertebral ossicles. Holothurian sclerites belong to the order Dendrochirotida GRUBE, 1840 (genus Eocaudina MARTIN, 1952) and Apodida BRANDT, 1835 (Achistrum ETHERIDGE, 1881; ?Gagesiniotrochus BOCZAROWSKI, 2001). The most distinctive feature is the mass occurrence of the eleutherozoids elements just after the Hangenberg Event s. s. (last Famennian Protognathodus kockeli conodont Zone). The mentioned fauna probably represents a pioneer association and the presence of commonly opportunistic generalists as are ophiuroids and holuthuroids fits into this scenario.

Klíčová slova:
Moravo-Silesian Zone; Devonian; Carboniferous; micropaleontology; Ophiuroidea; Holothuroidea

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