

The Drahany Upland is built of a flysch sequence of Lower Carboniferous age (shale, greywackes, conglomerates), and a preflysch sequence of Devonian to Lower Carboniferous age (spilites, carbonates, shales). Lower Carboniferous black shales are known by goniatites and bivalvian assemblages, also fossil traces. According to the Żakowa (1971) methodology were determined species of bivalves of the genus Posidonia and Septimyalina. Amler (1994) describes the morphology of the bivalve genus Streblochondria. So far was from the Culm sites od Drahany Upland determined 18 kinds of Lower Carboniferous bivalves represented by following species: Posidonia becheri, Posidonia corrugata, Posidonia kochi, Posidonia trapezoedra, Posidonia radiata, Septimyalina sublamellosa, Septimyalina lamellosa, Septimyalina cf. minor, Dunbarella mosensis, Streblochondria patteiskyi, Streblochondria praetenuis, Sanguinolites sp., Janeia böhmi, Polidevcia cf. sharmani, Anthraconeilo oblongum, Palaeoneilo luciniforme and Edmondia sp. These genera originated from localities of Myslejovice Formation (i. e. Opatovice, Dědice, Pístovice, Nemojany, Ježkovice, Radslavice and Myslejovice). Lower Carboniferous marine bivalves can be also used for correlation of goniatites zones in the Upper Viséan of Myslejovice Formation. Correlation table is adapted from Amler (2004). Correlation of bivalve zones to goniatite zones has proven to be useful. Due to the very variable conditions of the various locations the deviations can be partly caused by incompleteness of the fossil record from the specifi ed horizons.

Klíčová slova:
Moravosilesicum; Lower Carboniferous; Myslejovice Formation; Bivalvia; stratigraphy

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