

Our study was focused on low to medium radioactive sandstones of the Godula Formation of the external fl ysch zone of the Western Carpathians. It is widely known that concentrations of radioactive elements (K, U and Th ) in siliciclastic sediments are primary controlled by facies and mineral and chemical composition, which is largely influenced by their provenance. In the Godula Formation, K was found to be predominantly incorporated in some framework and accessory detritic minerals (K-feldspars, albite, mica, glauconite, illite). Main sources of U and Th were identified in heavy minerals, such as monazite and zircon. Variations of K, U and Th concentrations correspond to changes in modal composition of sandstones and indicate uplift and subsequent erosion of structurally deeper crustal parts of source area (Silesian Ridge). Significant increase of K, U and Th concentrations was observed near the boundary between the Middle and Upper Godula beds. Gamma-ray spectrometry could be used as good supplementary technique for discrimination of sandstones of these lithostratigraphical parts of the Godula Formation.

Klíčová slova:
Godula Formation; gamma-ray spectrometry; sandstone petrography; provenance; stratigraphy

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