Rekonstrukce průběhu říčních koryt s použitím elektrické odporové tomografie



Set of parallel oriented ERT profiles was used for identification of fluvial channels in the area near the Western Gate of the Great Moravia Empire agglomeration Pohansko near Břeclav. Three infills of fluvial channels were identified within the ERT profiles, which erosively cut the complex of flood loams. The dimensions of these channels are compared, together with the distribution of individual architectural elements of the channel. Planform topography of individual channels is used for evaluation of fluvial style. Whereas Early Mediaval age of the sedimentary infill of the uppermost channel was proved, the two lower channels are supposed to be Upper Pleistocene to Early Holocene in age. The highly irregular relief of the Pannonian clays of the Vienna Basin forms the Pre-Quaternary basement.

Klíčová slova:
ERT profiles; succession of fluvial channels; planform topography; fluvial style; depositional architecture

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