

Lithology of bed sediments in high-gradient streams may aff ect grain-size parameters and, thus, bed morphology and sediment transport dynamics. Flysch character of bedrock with alternation of resistant sandstones and less-resistant claystones influenced geomorphic processes and bed sediments in Beskydian headwater channels. Generally, claystone members supplied streams by higher amounts of relatively fi ner clastic material. On the contrary, channels located in sandstone members (e.g., Godula Member) were prone to occurrence of exposed bedrock due to signifi cantly lower sediment supply, except channel-reaches with evidence of debris-fl ow activity. Obtained trends of evaluated grain-size parameters (D90 and nominal index) in the stream longitudinal profi les pointed up on infl uence of claystone ratio in bed sediments and a character of sediment inputs. Signifi cant presence of claystones in bed sediments of selected streams led to decrease in D90 percentile and nominal index Dn of bed surface material. On the other hand, sandstone sediment supply in high-gradient streams underlaid by the middle part of the Godula Member did not show downstream coarsening or fi ning of bed sediments within stream longitudinal profi les and higher values of grain-size parameters were observed.


Klíčová slova:
Silesian Unit; Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.; high-gradient stream; bed sediments

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