

The spatial distribution of Lower Badenian marine algal sandy limestones (studied localities Holubice and Stará hora), calcareous sandstone (studied locality Pracký kopec) and claystones (studied locality Šlapanice) as well as their palaeontology, indicate variable sedimentary environment. Studied localities are situated in the Carpathian Foredeep, southeastern from Brno. Algal sandy limestones document of deposition in the shallow waters, however the synsedimentary movements sometime modify the geological positions of limestone bioherms. Variable ratio CaO/MgO (23–140) refl ects minor but variable content dolomite, which is present as small euhedral crystals and aggregates. Anoxic conditions are found only within the tests of foraminifers as result break up organic matter. Clastic grains originated from crystalline rocks on the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (mainly Moravicum and Brno Massif) are most abundant.

Klíčová slova:
Carpathian Foredeep; Lower Badenian; limestones; geochemistry; palaeontology

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