Faunistické společenstvo kroměřížského souvrství na lokalitě Litenčice (karpatská předhlubeň, střední Morava)



The fossil assemblages of the foraminifers, bryozoans, molluscs, corals, decapods, sharks and teleosteans were analysed from the Litenčice sand pit in the middle part of the Carpathian Foredeep. The section can be assigned to the Karpatian Stage of the Central Paratethys regional stratigraphy (uppermost Lower Miocene) on the basis of species Uvigerina graciliformis Papp et Turn., Lampanyctus carpaticus (Brz.) and Agapilia pachii (Hoern.). Rich and diversified assemblages indicate mainly shallow water marine environment. Foraminifers and molluscs indicate salinity perturbations. Bryozoans and also molluscs document environment with relatively high dynamics and depth of water about 100 m. Foraminifers, fishes and sharks represent deeper water taxa and indicate a possible reworking of shallow-water elements. The studied sands and gravels of the Holešov Member of the Kroměříž Formation are interpreted as sediments of gravitational currents, more precisely dense turbidity currents (high-density turbidity currents) in the sense of Lowe (1982). The deposition environment can probably be placed on the submarine slope of the coarse-grained delta of the Gilbert type (so-called foresets). This study provided evidence of a number of fossil groups that occur at the site.

Klíčová slova:
Carpathian Foredeep; Kroměříž Formation; “Gregor” sand pit; Karpatian; Paleontology; Sedimentology; Paleoecology
Biografie autora

Růžena Gregorová

Moravské zemské muzeum

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