Reflexně seismický výzkum pozdně kenozoické zlomové tektoniky na vybraných lokalitách hornomoravského úvalu


We measured shallow reflection seismic profiles across the assumed faults in the Late Cenozoic (Pliocene – Holocene) Upper Morava Basin (UMB). The faults in the UMB are indicated by horst-and-graben morphology, differential thickness of Pliocene and Quaternary siliciclastic sediments, considerable gravity gradients a present-day seismicity. Four seismic lines, 380 to 860 m long (fixed geophone spread) were designed to cross the assumed faults at three sites, Mezice, Drahlov and Výšovice. The data were acquired by 24-channel ABEM Terraloc Mk-8 seismic system with PEG-40 accelerated weight drop source and processed by Sandmaier ReflexW and Halliburton Landmark ProMax® seismic processing software. The processing included application of filters (DC shift, scaled windowgain, bandpass frequency and muting), stacking using normal moveout constant velocity stack, additional application of subtrack-mean (dewow) filter, topographic correction and low velocity layer static correction. Distinct reflectors were detected up to 400 ms TWT, which corresponds to maximum depth of 280 and 350 m at 1400 and 1750 km.s-1 velocities, respectively. The observed reflection patterns were classified into three seismic facies, which were interpreted as crystalline rocks (Brunovistulicum) and/or well consolidated Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (SF1), unconsolidated Quaternary siliciclastic sediments (SF2) and semi-consolidated Neogene clays (SF3) based on the cores drilled in their close vicinity. Distinct faults were observed at the Drahlov and Výšovice 2 profile, which coincided with the observed topographic steps between the horsts and grabens. Presence of the fault at the Drahlov profile separating the Hněvotín Horst from the Lutín Graben was demonstrated by independent electrical resistivity tomography profile. On the other hand, another topographic step at the Mezice profile, between the Hněvotín Horst and Olomouc Graben, does not correspond to any seismic indication of a fault. The reflection seismic proved to be useful and relatively low-cost method to visualize the shallow subsurface geology in the Upper Morava Basin.

Klíčová slova:
shallow reflection seismics; horst-and-graben tectonics; continental siliciclastics; Cenozoic; Bohemian Massif

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