Geochemie a radioaktivita paleozoických hornin na listech 15-31 Bruntál a 15-33 Moravský Beroun a jejich souvislost se složením variské hydrotermální mineralizace



This paper deals with the natural radioactivity of Palaeozoic rocks on the map sheets 15- 31 Bruntál and 15-33 Moravský Beroun in the NE part of the Bohemian Massif. Studied rocks belong to the Vrbno Group (greenschists and phyllites) and mainly to the MoravoSilesian Palaeozoic, particulary to the Andělská Hora, Horní Benešov and Moravice Fms. Potassium, uranium and thorium contents were measured in 1 596 rock samples using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer, values of mass activity of 226Ra equivalent (am) were calculated. The average am of analysed rock samples is 138 This value is very close to the am value calculated for the average continental crust. Natural radioactivity of flysch sedimentary rocks of the Andělská Hora, Horní Benešov and Moravice Fms. (1 350 analysed samples, avg. am = 150 grows from psefi tes (conglomerates) to psammites (dominating greywackes) up to the group of aleurites and pelites (siltstones, silty shales, clay shales). The highest uranium and thorium contents, along with other metals (Cs, Ga, Rb, Sn, Zr, La, Ce, Pb, Zn, As) were found in flysch rocks of the Horní Benešov Fm. in the area near Valšov: greywacke shows content up to 13 ppm U and 25 ppm Th (am = 364 and siltstone up to 21 ppm U and 43 ppm Th (am = 624 Low-grade metamorphic mobilization of elements is documented by hydrothermal minerals in syntectonic quartz veins which are e.g. fluorite, sulphides, REE-bearing phases, U-bearing phases.

Klíčová slova:
Vrbno Group; Moravosilesian Palaeozoic; flysch sediments; gamma-spectrometry; uranium; thorium; dose rate; hydrothermal mineralization
Biografie autora

Jiří Zimák

katedra geologie PřF UP Olomouc

docent na katedře geologie PřF UP

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