Neogenní a kvartérní sedimenty v oblasti Nového Hrádku (západní část NP Podyjí)



Neogene deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep were newly recognized in the sedimentary succession within the outcrop close to Nový Hradek site in the area of the Podyjí National Park covered by extensive Quaternary deposits. These deposits are preserved as erosional relics within a bowl shaped depression on the top of the crystalline basement. Facies analysis shows that the recognised Neogene beds represent fluvial deposits. Two facies associations were identified within the Quaternary deposits. Although both of them are interpreted as colluvial deposits, they were formed by a series of gravity flows with highly varied water content. The provenance analysis (pebble petrography, association of heavy minerals, zircon study) confirmed, that the source area of both Neogene and Quaternary deposits was located in the adjacent geological units with strong dominance of Moravian Unit. Relatively high mineral maturity of the studied deposits points to extended blanket of intensely weathered crystalline basement, which underwent erosion and redeposition. Higher content of quartz clasts within the Neogene deposits reveals different mode of transport and possible redeposition from older sediments. Studied Neogene deposits are preliminary related to quartzose gravel and sands known from the close surrounding of the nearby Lukov village. Comparison of Neogene and Quaternary deposits in the surroundings of Nový Hrádek and occurrences of similar sediments within the National Park in Austria (e.g. surroundings of Merkersdorf) might provide a further data about the poorly known history of the area during Neogene.

Klíčová slova:
Lower Miocene; Quaternary; provenance analysis; depositional environment

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