Nový pohled na genezi ordovické oolitické rudy z ložiska Skalka u Mníšku pod Brdy (pražská pánev, Barrandien)



The Skalka Deposit near Mníšek pod Brdy currently represents one of the best exposed localities of Ordovician oolitic iron ores in the Barrandian. The studied oolitic iron ores consist mainly of siderite (Fe = 1.47–1.86 apfu) and kaolinite (Si = 7.99–8.06 apfu; VIAl = 7.62–7.67 apfu). This mineral association has been formed as a result of the process of diagenesis and has resulted from the decomposition of chlorite and Fe-(oxo-)hydroxides. Presence of colofane indicates rather low temperatures for this transformation. Paleontological record makes the previous hypothesis, that the iron ore deposit was formed in an isolated depression separated from the Prague Basin by a flat elevation, questionable. The presence of abundant graptolites and agglutinated foraminifers in the shales of the Šárka Formation indicates rather deep-water open-marine conditions. Ferruginous ooids are typically formed on shoals affected by wave action. The presence of these ooids in deep-water shale and existence of oolitic iron ore deposit accompanied by this shale does not need to be explained by sudden shallowing, but more likely by reworking of ooids in gravity flows to sublittoral or bathyal depths. Original position of shoal was most likely situated towards NNW where ore deposit and finally the complete Šárka Formation disappear. The fossil record indicates open-marine realm southeast of the Skalka area.

Klíčová slova:
Barrandian; Ordovician; oolitic iron ores; mineral composition; diagenesis; depositional environment; Czech Republic

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