Why Should we Bother with the Question of Existence of Human Rights?


In this text, I propose that the ontological question of whether human rights exist should be replaced by the pragmatic question of whether the language of human rights is apt to achieve and express our values and goals. I will start from Carnap’s distinction between internal and external questions, which I will employ to classify different types of human rights discourses. Then, I will demonstrate that, from a pragmatic point of view, the language of human rights conflicts neither with relativism, nor utilitarianism, nor communitarianism. As a part of the discussion, I will show how Hans Kelsen’s pragmatic attitude fits perfectly into the scheme of Robert Alexy’s argument in favour of the objective existence of human rights.

Rudolf Carnap; Hans Kelsen; Robert Alexy; Internal and External Questions; Human Rights; Ontology; Pragmatism.

Author biography

Marek Káčer

Institute of State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

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