Substantive Theories of Military Coup: Causal Factors



The review article provides an analysis of Anglo-Saxon literature specialized in military coup research, especially that which focused on substantive theories of military coup inception and execution. The main goal of the article is to present previous military coup research and to minimize the conceptual gap between Anglo-Saxon and Czech political science with regard to the understanding of such a significant phenomenon. Starting with a definition of the military coup, the article’s goal is to describe and critically analyze ten separate substantive theories (such as the theory of military centrality, the theory of the coup trap, contagion theory, or linkage and leverage theory). From a Central European perspective, these theories offer a sufficient basis for additive coup research focused on European or Middle Eastern conditions. However, from the perspective of the requirements of a generally applicable formal theory, substantive theories provide limited conceptual instruments, which should be used carefully with respect to the specifications of particular cases.

Military Coup; Coup d’État; Theoretical Approaches; Civil–Military Relations
Author biography

Lukáš Martinák

Ministerstvo obrany České republiky, Tychonova 1, 160 01 Praha – Dejvice, Česká Republika / Ministry of Defence, Czech Republic. E-mail:

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