Koncept konfliktních linií ve střední a jihovýchodní Evropě - tři roviny analýzy


The article deals with research concept of cleavages and its usefulness in the Central and Eastern European area. The author argues that there is a possibility to exploit this research scheme in some ways and presents the idea of three-step analysis of cleavages in Central and Eastern European societies and party systems. The first step is to create the conceptual map of Central and Eastern Europe which could help to define decisive critical junctures. The second step is to find out and analyze cleavages in the first phase of democratization (the last quarter of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century). The third phase is to trace legacy of these cleavages after the 1989 and to analyze new cleavages of transformation. This approach could bring the proper theoretical framework for empirical research.

Cleavages; Central-Eastern Europe; Stein Rokkan; Conceptual Map

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