Europeizace a zahraniční politika: prostor pro další výzkum



This paper aims to review the existing debate on the relations between national and European levels in the EU and identify existing gaps. It aims at showing the current compartelization of the academic debate and suggesting a possible remedy. It discusses the current trends in Europeanization studies and shows that one of the dimensions (bottom-up) remains understudied. Similarly, the concept has been applied in the area of foreign policy in a very limited way to the detriment of our understanding of reality. Following these findings, the article suggests, firstly, that the relationship between the adjustment to European integration and the ability to pursue one's interest should be studied, both in terms of form and results, and, secondly, that foreign policy should be included in this research framework.

Klíčová slova:
Europeanization; Foreign Policy; European Union; Interest Promotion; Research
Biografie autora

Tomáš Weiss

Department of West European Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague

Katedra západoevropských studií, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova, Praha.

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