Postavení Moravy dle Rokkanova modelu centrum - periferie


The article is an attempt to apply Stein Rokkan˘s model of centres and peripheries to position of Moravia from protohitorical era to 19th century. First attempts to establish a centre in Moravia or tendencies to subordinate this territory to some external centre are described. We analyse the history of Moravia at time, when this country had position of a centre (The Great Moravia in 9th century) and then the evolution from 10th to 19th century, when Moravia was a periphery of Bohemian kingdom or Habsburgian empire. We describe the changes in position of Moravia and try to classify them according to Rokkan˘s figure of possible values for peripheral regions.

Klíčová slova:
Moravia; Rokkan˘s model; centres and peripheries

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