Procesy evropské defragmentace jako inspirativní nástroj policymaking



This paper looks at the different stages of European municipal defragmentation and at the diverse models that post-war countries have adopted for their municipal structures. It notes that defragmentation has been undertaken with little previous knowledge regarding the possible impacts of these approaches. Through applying the QCA method of analysis it looks at common and distinct features of these approaches and draws a sharp dichotomy between defragmentation trends in post-communist countries and countries of the Western bloc. By showing that there are trends intrinsic to post-communist political systems, this paper presents the idea that these systems can learn from errors made by countries that approached municipal defragmentation before them. Drawing on the example of the late-defragmenting Iceland, this paper shows how currently or prospectively defragmenting countries can learn from its experience. In the last part of the paper, suggestions are made with regard to how the Czech Republic can learn from this experience, particularly from democratic referendums, legislative and economic incentives, and municipal cooperation.

Klíčová slova:
Defragmentation; Iceland; Municipality; Self-Government
Biografie autora

Tomáš Váňa

Department of Political Science, Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague

Katedra politologie, Institut politologických studií, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova, Praha.

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Zákon č. 128/2000 Sb. o obcích (Obecní zřízení) ve znění pozdějších předpisů.

Zákon č. 243/2000 Sb. o rozpočtovém určení výnosů některých daní územním samosprávným celkům a některým státním fondům (zákon o rozpočtovém určení daní).



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