Eurofederalistické organizace a jejich prosazování zájmů z hlediska analýzy policy


The number of existing so called Eurofederalists groups and organizations advocating or, at least, having the Eurofederalist idea in their name, leads to a reflection about origins and sense of the existence of these groupings. It is a question if structures nominally advocating European federalism really assert in reality this idea. If the answer is yes, then it is interesting to examine which tools they use for that assertion. The article describes the way of arrangement of some of the Eurofederalist groups with focus on interest promotion description from the policy analysis methodology point of view.

Klíčová slova:
Federalism; Eurofederalism; European Union; Interest; Interest Group; Assertion; Organization; Policy Analysis;
Biografie autora

Hana Vykoupilová

Katedra politologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita, Brno.

Studentka PGS politologie na Fakultě sociálních studií MU v Brně.

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Internetové stránky (platné k 27.11.04)
European Movement in the Czech Republic (
Il federalismo europeo e uno slogan (
Ivo Kaplán (
Klub mladých Evropanů (
Union of European Federalists (
Young European Federalists (





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