Volební akce Solidarita: Pokus o sjednocení polské pravice


Foundation and a short-lived existence of the Election Action Solidarity (AWS) in Polish party system was a pragmatic reaction on the electoral defeat of anticommunist parties in 1993. Up to 40 parties forming AWS were trying to overcome ideological and personal conflicts of previous years, nevertheless AWS`s election victory in 1997 was followed by a defeat and disappearing from “Sejm” in 2001. There are four main causes of this situation identified in this article: 1 Imperfect “federality” of internal structure of AWS. 2. Doubled leadership: leader of the party and Prime Minister are different persons. 3. Sense of underestimation of importance of AWS`s particular parties (so-called power pillars in this case) led to an unsatisfied power ambitions. 4. Political programs or ideological diversification of AWS.

Klíčová slova:
Election Action Solidarity; Polish party system;

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