Křesťanskodemokratické hnutí
Klíčová slova:
The Christian-democratic Movement; Slovakia; election; election campaign;
This article deals with the pre-election period in Slovakia and the position of one of the major right-wing parties, The Christian-democratic Movement (KDH). The author tries to describe the development of the party, their position in the party system and conditions, which determined how successful the party was in the national election. The task of this article is to show how the KDH proceed in the pre-election period and in the election campaign. In the election the KDH gained 8.25% votes.
The Christian-democratic Movement; Slovakia; election; election campaign;
Literatura / Bibliography
Kopeček, L., Slovensko v předvolebním roce, Mezinárodní politika, č. 11, 2001, s. 30 – 33.
P. Hrušovský, Chceme byť víťazom volieb, dostupné z http://www.kdh.sk/noviny/index.htm.
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