Parlamentní volby v Maďarsku 2002


In April 2002, parliamentary elections in Hungary were held, the fourth after the breakdown of communist autocracy. Although the highest number of mandates won the coalition of so far governmental right parties Alliance of Young Democrats – Hungarian Civic Party (Fidesz – MPP) and Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF), the majority in the parliament was gained by Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) together with Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ), what enabled creation of left-centrist governmental coalition of the same parties as from 1994 to 1998. Neither agrarian – conservative Independent Party of Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Citizens (FKGP), which was in the parliament from 1990 and participated on government from 1990 to 1991 and from 1998 to 2002, nor extreme-right Hungarian Justice and Life Party (MIÉP), which had 14 MPs from 1998, did not defend their mandates.

Klíčová slova:
Elections 2002 in Hungary; Electoral System of Hungary

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Benda, L. (1999): Maďarská republika, In: Dančák, B. (ed.): Integrační pokusy ve středoevropském prostoru II., Brno, Masarykova univerzita, s. 103 – 130.
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Országggyülési Képviselék Választása ( 5.7.2002.
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