Folk Fairy Tales in the Research of Key Personalities of Social and Cultural Anthropology


The study presents an overview of selected moments of research of the folk fairy tales from the perspective of key personalities of social and cultural anthropology from classical evolutionism to present, taking into account the history of anthropology of art. The greatest benefit of the anthropological approach lies in its transcultural breadth and its ability to see folk tales in a holistic context: accepting biological and ecological factors, in a psychological perspective, in semantic and performative interconnection with rituals, religious beliefs and the social environment. Important information has been provided by field anthropological research of live performances of narrators in less complex cultures. From the historical perspective, we have named three phases of research: searching for origin, searching for the essence and searching for the cultural context of folk fairy tale. We also draw attention to parallel research in related fields in the study. In conclusion, we express our belief in the impossibility of strictly separating disciplines such as anthropology, folkloristics, philology, linguistics, literary science, as well as natural sciences disciplines, especially where they have a common subject of research.

fairy tales; folktales; anthropology of art; social and cultural anthropology

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