Contexts of minority culture



The aim of present study is to introduce and interpret specific and generally little-known living and culture of Bedouins as a cultural and language minority in difficult processes of cultural transitions from 1970´s by the year 2010. We are considering ecological, social, confesional, economical and political contexts of Bedouins identity. We are comparing Bedouins living and culture with majority environment. Present issue meets sociocultural anthropology (ethnology, cultural ecology) and cultural geography. Repeated short term field research in Syrian desert were realized by ethnologist J. Čukan (Slovak) who is also an author of photos and his former colleague - historian and journalist Al-Absi (Arab from Syria) in period 2006–2010.

cultural minority; Bedouin culture; identity factors; economical activities; intergenerational and interpersonal family relations; tradition and cutlural transition; influence of globalization; armed conflicts

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