Appeals court decision on criminal verdicts of the court in Slavkov near Brno in the first half of the 18th century



The Prague appeals court (Appellationsgericht) was founded on orders from Ferdinand I in the year 1548. In the beginning the judges addressed predominantly civilian-administrative verdicts. It wasn’t before the end of the 17th century that the court began hearings regarding also criminal verdicts. Legal decisions referred to Slavkov near Brno-Austerlitz on several occasions, in some years (e.g. in 1723 and 1732) repeatedly. According to the verdicts of Prague judges the capital punishment was the most frequent sentence against the defendants in the first half of the 18th century. According to the Prague appeals court, the most frequent criminal acts tried in the Slavkov were murder (in the years 1710, 1711), infanticide (two cases in the year 1723), larceny (in the years 1731, 1732), falsification (in 1702), heresy (in 1706) and sale of stolen property (in 1725). Some of the convicted were members of the Jewish community (in 1725, 1731, 1732).

Prague appeals court; gallows; modern age; capital punishment; the judiciary

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