Clémence-Auguste Royer and the Emergence of Social Darwinism


The role of French scholar Clémence-Auguste Royer, the first translator of Darwin´s Origin of Species into French, in the rise of Social Darwinism will be critically evaluated in a broader historical and intellectual context of late Second Empire and the first decades of the French Third republic. Clémence-Auguste Royer who has been neglected or marginalized in the classical surveys of the early development of Darwinism in the second half of the nineteenth century contributed significantly to the emergence of modern French anthropological community and to the public debates on gender and race at the dawn of modern French political culture. Her controversial interpretation of Darwinism anticipated the rise of racial and eugenic radical and extremist movements after the First World War.

Clémence-Auguste Royer; Pascal Duprat; Charles Darwin; Social Darwinism; Race; Racial ideology

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