Catalan cartographic works of the 14th and 15th centuries and the mapping of Asia and Africa



Urs Graf Verlag GmbH Publishing House in Dietikon (Zürich metropolitan area, Switzerland) has published, in 1977 and 1995, facsimiles—replicas of two outstanding Catalan cartographic works of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. First of them was the Mappa mundi of 1375 (it was drawn between 1375 and 1381), second was the circular Catalan-Estense map (Mappa mundi Estense) drawn somewhen between 1450 and 1460. The first work is known also as the Catalan Atlas, because it is composed of several tables sketching out the world known at that time, from the Atlantic Coast of Europe to the Pacific Coast of East Asia. The main sources for the eastern parts of the world were travelogues of Marco Polo, Sir John Mandeville and Odoric of Pordenone. (Grosjean, ed. 1977) The second of these two replicas is the circular map with the average of 113 centimetres, including not only the known world but also countries supposed, still undiscovered, with their approximate location. (Milano, ed. 1995) Both of these works are richly illustrated with many pictures of persons, creatures and also flags. Replicas of these cartographic works are in original size and are accompanied with detailed essays and transcriptions of Latin and Catalan texts with their annotated translations into German (Catalan Atlas) and Italian and German (Mappa mundi Estense). This article gives an overview of these two maps with original texts and their translations based on the latest literature.

medieval maps of the world; Mallorcan cartographic school; Catalan Atlas; Mappa mundi Estense
Author biography

Vladimír Liščák

Orientální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. Pod Vodárenskou věží 4 182 08 PRAHA 8-Libeň

Liščák, Vladimír (9. února 1954), český sinolog. Vědecký pracovník Orientálního ústavu Akademie věd České republiky, v. v. i. Zabývá se zejména styky mezi středověkou Evropou a mongolskou východní Asií (13.–14. století) a dějinami katolických misií v Číně. Je autorem řady článků v češtině, angličtině a několika knih, např. Čína – Dobrodružství Hedvábné cesty (2000), Dějiny Číny, Taiwanu a Tibetu v datech (2008), Konfuciánství od počátků do současnosti. Dějiny – pojmy – osobnosti (2013), Po stopách bratra Odorika. Styky Evropy a mongolské Číny ve 13. a 14. století (s přílohou Biblioteca Odoriciana) (2014), Františkánské misie v Číně (13.–18. století) (2015). V roce 2016 získal desetiměsíční stipendium MOFA Taiwan Fellowship s projektem Odoric of Pordenone’s Itinerarium and Mongolian China in the fourteenth century.


Kontakt: PhDr. Vladimír Liščák, CSc. Oddělení východní Asie, Orientální ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, 182 08 Praha 8, e-mail:

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