Late Neolithic Farmers and Circular Monuments. Triple Rondel of the Stroked Pottery Culture in Plotiště n / L II



The article discusses the circular enclosures consisting of ditches and ramparts, called rondels. These monumental areas likely to be used for the gathering of Neolithic farmers for the cult, social, organizational and others activities. The following is a summary of the results of archaeological excavation of the triple rondel of the Stroked pottery culture (SBK), subphase SBK IVa near Plotiště n / L conducted by the Department of Archaeology Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové. We investigated the area of the northwestern entrance of the inner ditch and ends of southwestern and northwestern segments. We found that the inner ditch width of 510–522 cm reached a depth of 240 cm. Ditches along the NW entrance are 335 cm wide and 178 cm deep. Trenches have wider spiky shape and penetrate the sandy gravel subsoil. Smaller ditches running along both sides of the northwestern entrance are not fusing with the inner ditch. Great importance has layer no. 2 filling ditches formed soil blended with small quartz pebbles (originally from the terraces of Labe river) and located below the upper layer of black soil no. 1. There is one option that it could be formed by gradual erosion of the Wall on the outside of the ditches. The archaeological collection consists of finding fragments of pots and bowls decorated with double-strike and triple-strike. Shape of vessels and decoration are symptomatic for the younger stage, subphase SBK IVa. Some might be even younger (subphase SBK IVa2–IVb).

Late Neolithic; Stroked pottery culture (SBK); terrace; triple rondel; monument; ditch; double-stroke; triple-stroke; silicite from glacial sediments; silicite from the Cracow-Częstochowa Upland; stone grinder; whetstone

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