Story of Bisphenol S – Steps from Bad to Worse



We are living in the “Age of Plastics”. A vast amount of this material enters the environment, with chemicals released from the bulk of this matter often exhibiting endocrine-disrupting effects. Bisphenol A (BPA), originating from plastics, is well-known as such a potent endocrine disruptor. This compound exhibits wide spectra of detrimental effects on animal and human health. For these reasons, the use of BPA has been limited in many human activities and bisphenol A-free products are now guaranteed. As a key compound of many plastics, BPA could not be omitted from plastics without being replaced by other chemicals. Bisphenol S (BPS) is often chosen as a substitute for BPA, although its endocrine-disruptive effects are poorly known. As a chemical facing much less stringent legislation than BPA, its forerunner, BPS is now widely used in many materials. However, an increasing volume of new knowledge indicates that BPS is far from safe. The “silent” substitution of BPA with BPS could be perceived as an improvement. However, the converse appears to be true. With BPS spreading through our “plastic-encased” world, we are going from bad to worse.

anthropocene; endocrine disruptors; bisphenol A; bisphenol S; regrettable substitution

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