Traditional Medicine of the Amazon in Czech Subculture



This article assesses the present situation in traditional Amazonian medicine in the Czech Republic. It also classifies the types of organized rituals and characterizes their organizers and participants in the country. The fieldwork among traditional Amazonian medicine users was conducted since November 2015. A total of 46 respondents (23 women and 23 men) who had attended at least one ritual of traditional Amazonian medicine were selected for the study and we recorded with them semi-structured interviews. The aim of this article is to categorize their contents. In order to fulfill this objective, we performed a content analysis of interviews based on the Grounded Theory method. In this article we publish results of analysis of the first 15 interviews. These results confirm that in the Czech Republic a psychoactive brew ayahuasca is the most used preparation from traditional Amazonian medicine. Finally, there are risks associated with the use of psychoactive substances indicated.

traditional medicine; Amazon; subculture; Czech Republic; ayahuasca
Author biography

Miroslav Horák

Ústav jazykových a kulturních studií Fakulta regionálního rozvoje a mezinárodních studií Mendelova univerzita v Brně

vedoucí ústavu

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