Glocalization of ayahuasca in the Czech Republic and its possible therapeutic applications in local conditions



Ayahuasca, a key element of traditional indigenous medicine of the Peruvian Amazon, has become a global phenomenon. Sessions, during which this psychoactive substance is used, can be currently attended not only in the South American rainforest, but also in the Czech Republic. According to the Government Regulation No 463/2013 on schedules of addictive substances, ayahuasca in the Czech Republic for the presence of N, N-dimethyltryptamine is on the list of illegal drugs. However, the substance is used within the subculture. In order to investigate the current phenomenon, we conducted a pilot anonymous online survey. The investigation focused on the possibilities of therapeutic application of this substance under local conditions. The data provided by 70 respondents show that ayahuasca is used in all Czech regions (mostly in Prague), especially for the therapeutic purpose. The tradition of drinking ayahuasca has been adapted to local conditions, and it is expected to increase in future. If traditional security principles are followed, ayahuasca has therapeutic potential suitable for the treatment of drug addiction and other diseases of affluence.

ayahuasca; glocalization; therapy
Author biography

Miroslav Horák

Ústav jazykových a kulturních studií Fakulta regionálního rozvoje a mezinárodních studií Mendelova univerzita v Brně

vedoucí ústavu

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