On the Role of Food in Reemigrants´ Life. The Influence of Dietary Habits on Forming the Identity of Czechoslovak Reemigrants from Bulgaria



The text is focused on the topic of position of the food and food practices in the reemigrants´ life. It approaches the sphere of food and eating not to be just biological issue, whose only purpose is to satisfy basic human needs and as such is objective and unified for all human beings, but it shows how everyday practices around the food can be closely connected with the socially constructed subjective meanings tightly linked with the individual background, experiences and habitus. The article works on assumption, that food – saturated by the symbolical meaning(s) – is culture on the level of its production as well as on the level of its consumption. Using the results of field research among the reemigrants from Bulgaria in South Moravia, I show how specific food practices and ingredients used by the resettled people facilitated building of the symbolic boarder between them and the old residents. Food culture served to reemigrants as the means of reinforcing the ties inside their own group and the sense of belonging to it. Food also helped to maintain the continuity of the group identity, tore apart by migration, and anchor it in the socially, culturally and geographically changed conditions.

anthropology of food; identity; migration; reemigration; Bulgaria
Author biography

Olga Džulajová

Absolventka magisterského oboru Sociální a kulturní antropologie, FF, ZČU

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